Monday, December 14, 2015

Exotics Thresher Shark speciality

Thresher Sharks, Malapascua diving, Philippines diving, Cebu diving
Course  Director Johanssen presents
No visit to Exotic and Malapascua is complete without a visit to Monad Shoal in search of our famous Thresher Sharks. This week we welcomed two guests, Kim and Marielle, who undertook our exclusive Thresher Shark specialty with Course Director Becca Johansen. The Blog sat in on what was a very informative presentation.

Did you know?

Each female Thresher shark has not one Uterus but two. Wow.

Malapascua diving sunrise, Philippines diving, scuba diving philippines, thresher shark diving
Sunrise at Monad Shoal
As part of the specialty comes two dives to Monad Shoal and with that comes an impressive sun rise every morning.
Our guests who take the Thresher Shark specialty have all found that the background information they learn on this species really adds relevance to the dives themselves.

Did you know?

The Thresher shark is classed as vulnerable. This means it's just one stage away from becoming an endangered species.

Sharks, Thresher sharks, Malapascua, Philippines scuba diving
Shark Guardian Presentation
Coincidentally, Exotic were proud to host our friends at 'Shark Guardian' yet again just a few days later. These crusaders fighting for the rights of sharks worldwide set up camp in our restaurant and led by the impressive Camille Lemmens, delivered another informative presentation to a captivated audience.

Philippines diving, thresher sharks, malapascua scuba diving
Thresher Shark  

Did you know?

8000 sharks are slaughtered every hour....

This is destruction at an alarming and unsustainable rate.

 The following morning we were able to picture the shark seen here. But for how many more years will we be lucky enough to do so without changes to our own behavior.....