For months now the Blog has been dropping hint after hint to try and blag a visit to Exotic's new resort on Kerikite island. This week all the hard work paid off with the offer of an almost all expenses paid trip. An offer too good to refuse!
Exotic beach, Kerikite |
Here is a shot of the scene as we arrived at Exotics private beach which fronts this idyllic location. Sensational. The faces of all the assembled journalists and photographers on board were of pure amazement and wonderment. And no wonder they're only human after all.
Exotic 2 parked above House Reef |
As soon as we arrived the Blog set about making a detailed inspection of the newly completed bar and restaurant area as food and drink is never far from mind. Christopher, one of the resorts resident chefs was hard at work preparing lunch so the Blog admired the view from the restaurant into the bay which featured our ride over from Malapascu, Exotic 2. It's hard to put into words just how beautiful Kerikite island and its surroundings are. Keen for an even better view the Blog headed off to check out the accommodation.
OMG. Firstly, the sheer quality of the premium rooms was something quite special. Beautifully finished with such attention to detail and who doesn't want a four poster bed?! No expense would appear to have been spared here.
It's a four poster bed |
Then a swagger out onto the balcony was met with yet another view of jaw dropping quality.
Jungle hideout |
After sizing up the four poster bed the Blog was ushered out and down toward a row of newly erected wooden bungalows, one of which would become a comfortable home for the next couple of nights. One of the many striking aspects of this resort and island is the lushness of the surrounding greenery.
Sunset on Kerikite island |
So, the facilities were of high quality to say the least. The Blog sat on it's balcony to watch the sun go down, ice cold beer in hand, to contemplate the following day of diving. Oh, did I mention Kerikite is also host to some of the finest scuba diving in the Philippines? We'll look into that during part 2 of our exclusive.
yasss ,I grow up on this place and I can't forget how beautiful the memories of spending time on this beaches and and amazing view.