Chinese New Year Buffet |
Festive celebrations have been sweeping through Exotic over
the last week or so with the arrival of the Chinese New Year. It’s a particularly
busy period for us as people of Chinese descent as well as expats working in
the region take advantage of their time off and join our other guests from all over the world. So as the year of the horse gallops away into the distance we welcome in the year of the goat. Or is it sheep or ram? There’s been some debate here as to which it is and whether they’re
actually the same thing in this instance. Seems a great excuse for a vacation
none the less! And what better place to be than here at Exotic enjoying our Chinese New Year buffet! Out of respect, goat/sheep/ram were not
on the menu.
New instructor with new Open Water diver |
Smiles all around |
The Blog reported a few weeks back on the great success of
our Instructor Development Course. Well, two of our successful graduates,
Katarina and Ian, stayed on to participate in Exotic’s ‘Learn to Teach’ programme.
To begin with both of them shadowed our team of experienced instructors as they
taught various courses. Then, both of them began to teach elements of courses to
build confidence until eventually, once deemed ready and under supervision,
they taught their own students from start to finish. So this week the whole
Exotic team were thrilled as both Katarina and Ian posed happily with their
first students! Great work!
Looks hard work from this angle |
The Blog was beside itself with excitement this week as one
of our largest diving boats, Exotic 2, was relaunched after a recent refitting.
It takes a lot of man power to shift one of these things in and out of the
water but somehow about 150 men and five horses managed to do so. And what a beauty she is!
What a beauty.. |
It certainly looked hard work from where the Blog was laying down, gin and tonic in hand. Well it was happy hour.
Who ate all the pies? |
Indeed, nudibranchs are small in contrast to Malapascua’s
famous thresher shark. But not insignificant. It’s reported that there are people who find these
creatures boring. The Blog is having none of this talk. In fact, the Blog was
recently doing its usual bed time reading and flicking through a book dedicated
to these amazing sea slugs when it came across a fascinating photo story. The
factual story began with one species of Nudi eating another species. Nothing
unusual there.
Then a member of the same species to the one who was doing the
eating appeared and started eating his family member. Well, the Nudi now in the
middle spat out his lunch to defend himself but eventually gave up all hope of
life and stopped struggling. A routine act of cannibalism you say? Get this,
the third Nudi then spat his friend out and mated with him instead. The Blog
declares this as far from boring. Eating…. Getting eaten…. Getting laid! Beat that
for an adrenalin rush.
Which brings us seamlessly onto nudibranch of the week which in terms of the competition was typically fierce this week. And what a little ripper we have for you this time thanks to Bruce from Australia.This Nudi has clearly had several helpings from the Chinese New Year buffet and was spotted for Bruce by Ronel, one of our Divemasters at a local dive site named Quilliano.
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